Friday, January 28, 2011

Leaving in 3 days? What?

I am in absolute disbelief that I will be leaving in 3 days to go live in another country half way around the world. It's amazing that I have been planning for this adventure for 7 months & now that it is finally here, it doesn't even feel real! The past few weeks, I've just been on auto-pilot...buying the last items that I know I'll need, booking my hostel, buying travel insurance, and doing all the last-minute preparations. I imagine the fact that I'm actually going won't really hit me until I'm on the plane though =)

This experience is going to be absolutely amazing & I can't wait for it to begin! I have my first week planned out, and then I will simply take life as it comes, day by day. I'm so looking forward to meeting my Slovenian penpal Brigita & seeing where our adventures take us! Items on my to-do list include: cage diving with some sharks in Auckland, skydiving, scuba diving, learning to surf, hiking, and hang gliding. Hey, I may even get a tan while I'm over there haha. Well, time to start doing some packing...not exactly sure how one packs for a trip that will potentially last 3 months to a year. Wish me luck figuring that out!
