Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Homesick for Napier

I wrote this blog yesterday, but due to a retarded internet connection, I had to post it today:

I came to New Zealand knowing that this experience would be special---seeing amazing sights, doing some crazy things like skydiving & bungee jumping, and meeting other backpackers from around the world. I did not come here, however, with the slightest clue of just how much of an impact I would make on the people I'd be meeting or the impact that they would make on me. It's incredible. It is a strange feeling to know that I have made more of an impact on & been truly loved by some people here that I have only known for a short number of weeks than people from America who I knew for months or years, had long friendships with, or even people I had been in relationships with. (Of couse, I am lucky enough to know some amazing people in America too & I have some absolutely fantastic friends!) It just seems though that the majority of people here are just different. The people I have met in New Zealand, particularly in Napier, will always hold a huge place in my heart.

Carl, Dylan, and Mia woke up extra early this morning for the sole reason of going to the bus station to see Sonja & I off; they all just asked when our bus left & informed us that they would be there. Sonja, Mia & I all cried when we had to say goodbye; Carl & Dylan's eyes were on the verge of welling up with tears but they held it together much better than us gals. Carl said that over the 2 years he has worked at the restaurant and seen 40+ waitresses come and go, we were two of the special few who have made a deep impression on him. Dylan, who has also worked there 2 years, agreed. Yesterday, we also had to say goodbye to Megan (which also involved some tears), Beau, Greg, Rory, and Neil. There were some others from work & from the hostel as well that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to & wish I had. Leaving Napier today was like leaving home...and I honestly felt sick to my stomach.

On a lighter note, the past few days leading up to this morning were good, although slightly emotional as well. My last shift at work was Sunday morning---I trained two new girls, got talked down to by an old miserable rich couple who were eating breakfast at the restaurant, and then had a little cry with Carl because it was our last time working together. However, the day got better because on Sunday afternoon, Sonja & I went with Mia to Cape Kidnappers, an awesome spot right outside of Napier. To get there, Mia drove us in the Archie's Backpackers van (the hostel van) to a nearby town about 20 minutes away called Clive. From there, a man on a big tractor came and picked us up, along with about 18 other people. The tractor had a trailer attached to it that had seats built in all the way around the edges, with the seats facing outward. So, we all hopped on & away we went toward Cape Kidnappers.

The tractor took us along the beach, in the ocean, and around all of these huge rocks in the water and in the sand, while on the other side of us stood these huge cliffs. It was quite picturesque. Along the way, the driver stopped & pointed out places in the cliffs where you could see evidence of past earthquakes that had hit the place in particular showed a shift in the earth of 21 feet! The tractor ride over to Cape Kidnappers lasted about an hour; once we reached our destination, we climbed up a 'path' on these beautiful green hills. At the top was a huge colony of birds called Gannets--kind of like huge seagulls & of course a wonderful view of Cape Kidnappers. After wandering around for a while & taking pictures, we all headed back down the hills & onto the tractor again. The ride back was so beautiful--gorgeous sunset over the ocean!

The next two days, I spent a lot of time with Mia when Sonja was working during the evenings. Yesterday afternoon, Carl & Megan picked Sonja & I up from the hostel, and we all went to a fish and chips shop. We got our food to-go & took it to the beach for a little going-away picnic. It was really lovely. Sonja got off of work early on Tues evening, so we decided to walk to Pizza Hut (about a 20-minute walk) for a nice, healthy meal. A few minutes into our walk, we heard a familiar voice & saw that Beau had come to pick us up in his car and take us there instead, so that was a nice surprise. After getting our pizza, Sonja, Mia & I spent the evening together at the hostel eating & then watching a movie until 1:30 am. It was so strange to pack all of our stuff & have to put those darn backpacks on again.

Sonja & I are now in Rotorua...but I will update about that later.

Missing Napier,

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