Saturday, November 26, 2011

Long Bay, Office Prankster & Buffet Blunder

On the last weekend before September struck, Auckland was fortunate enough to receive a random heat wave in the middle of Spring. Emma and I took full advantage and drove out to one of the nearby beaches called Long Bay. To my surprise, it was absolutely beautiful! I had no idea that such a stunning beach was so close to Auckland city! I went for a long stroll along the shoreline, wrote in the sand, climbed over some rocks jutting out into the water from the rugged cliffs, took plenty of pictures, then sunbathed for about an hour. After the beach, Emma and I drove back to town, went to a restaurant on the harbour called Snap Dragon, and spent the afternoon sitting in the sun, drinking cider and watching the passersby below. We ended the day with dinner at Fatimas in Ponsonby and watching a movie at the flat. It was pretty much a perfect Saturday in Auckland =).

The next week was also quite good for the most part. One of Emma’s friends Ren stayed at our flat for a couple of days. I hadn’t met her prior to then, but she and I got on as though we’d already known each other for years. Such a sweetheart—I absolutely love her. I also met up with my British friend Sandra one night. After getting Indian takeaway from the food court near her place, we chilled at her flat with her flatmate Victoria, Vic’s boyfriend Sam, and their other flatmate and his girlfriend. Vic and Sam had walked in with a HUGE bucket of movie theatre popcorn. When I asked what movie they had gone to see, Vic responded, “Oh, we didn’t see a movie. We just got popcorn.” Haha…love it. I honestly don’t know why I never thought of doing that before! Brilliant.

At work one day, we had the opportunity to sign up for free “Wellness Assessments.” So, besides low blood pressure (now I know why I get dizzy every time I stand up quickly after sitting) and apparently needing to gain a little bit of weight, I was happy to find out that I’m quite healthy. On my way walking to work another morning, I found a random $5.00 bill on the ground. Score! I thought it was going to be a good sign for the day to come, but I was wrong. As it turned out, seven people were missing from work once I got there, leaving a team of 2 of us as opposed to our normal team of 9..eek! After a crazy day at work, I bought some chocolate caramel ice cream from the Asian mart next to my flat and treated myself to a delicious concoction of ice cream topped with sprinkles, marshmallow-filled cookies, and Hershey’s syrup. Yummm. The next day at work was eventful in a different way.

Brent, one of the guys I work with, is known for being the office prankster. Well, I made the mistake of leaving my computer logged in and walking away for a few minutes. I came back to find that Brent had sent a couple inter-office instant messages from ‘me’—a mild one to Jess that read “hey you smell” and a far worse one to my friend Hamish that read “HEY HOTTIE!!! ARE YOU HUNGRY??” Haha. Oh Brent. That same day, a group of us ventured out for an unexpectedly entertaining lunch at this sketchy Korean Barbeque Buffet down the road from work. When I say ‘entertaining,’ it is not meant in a good way. We were all excited for a cheap, all-you-can-eat buffet, but soon realized that we should have just paid more and gone somewhere else.

We were fairly unsure about what we were eating the entire time, and at one point I literally started gagging on a piece of mystery meat purely because of its sheer length going down the back of my throat while still trying to chew the rest of it in my mouth. Hamish jolted from the booth thinking I was going to spew and Simon just looked at me from across the table and calmly asked in his strong Kiwi accent, “Not enjoying that, eh?” Ahh man…quite disgusting, but it made for a good laugh when all was said and done.

Oh, and to add to our already wonderful buffet experience, an extra $2.00 “leftover food” charge was in place if you didn’t clear your plate. Regardless of the leftover food policy, Simon couldn’t bring himself to consume any more of the incredibly unappetizing food on his plate. So, with the statement, “I’m kinda over it, eh,” he used his napkin to cover up an entire plate full of food. Phil stepped in by using his debonair charm to sweet-talk the Korean hostess and, as a result, she didn’t end up charging us for the unfinished food. I guess having a tall rugby player that ladies go gaga over can be quite helpful sometimes haha.


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