Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Living in Auckland: One Month Down

That Friday was June 24th, which marked my first full month of living in Auckland. That night, Bryce and Brian invited Emma and I over for a ‘spa party’ at the place they were house-sitting. The house was really nice, located in one of the outer suburbs of Auckland. Besides having three levels, it also had a big jacuzzi with changing neon-colored lights! Needless to say, it was a fun night. The guys had invited a few other people over as well, so in the course of the evening I also met Kate, Anne Marie, Chris (appropriately known as Horner), and another girl whose name escapes me. The night was filled with lots of chocolate, food, wine, and jacuzzi time …good stuff. On the way back home the next day, Emma and I got some unhealthy Burger King for recovery food and did very, very little the rest of the day.

Sunday was more productive. I took the city bus to Parnell to meet my friend Mary for coffee. We sat at the Kokako CafĂ© chatting for a while, then decided to walk to the suburb of Newmarket. We checked out The Warehouse (New Zealand’s miniature version of Walmart haha) and went into some other mainstream clothing shops. Mary kept me highly amused while trying on random hats and beanies, many of which were in the shape of animals. =) Then, we grabbed a quick dinner at the mall in Newmarket before getting a bus back toward the city. It was a nice day out. I always enjoy her company—so lucky my British cousin Suzanne put us in contact! The day got even better too because I had pre-arranged a Skype date with my Sontsa!!

Even though we had regularly kept in touch through messages since she left, it had been almost a month since I’d actually spoken to her. So, we Skyped for hours and it was sooooooooo great!! I hadn’t laughed like that in a long time…probably not since she was actually in New Zealand with me. I miss our silly travel moments together! <3 On Monday after work, I interviewed with yet another temp agency, bringing the total number of temp agencies I signed up with to nine! I mean, nine seems like a good number, right? =) Since I was already in the area of one of my favorite op shops after my interview…I thought it would be rude if I didn’t go in. I’m glad I did too! I got a new skirt, two blazers, and a hoodie—all for a total of $18.00!! It seriously pays to look for bargains at op shops. Then, I was also nearby my favorite shoe store, Number One Shoes. Obviously, I had to stop there as well so as not to be rude.

I ended up splurging a bit (which in my case still means spending less than $50) and bought some sexy boots! Now, I am very much aware that as a backpacker, wanting to buy sexy boots was just us unnecessary as Sontsa wanting to buy high heels. However, I firmly defend my purchase on the basis that I needed them for work hehe. They are fabulous. After my shopping spree, Emma invited me to go to dinner with her and the boys that night. She, Bryce, and Brian have had a weekly Monday-night dinner routine for ages and I had now become part of it =) We went to Ponsonby food court, which has Indian, Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, and I think even Lao cuisine. Very good food! A couple of Bryce and Brian’s friends TJ and Brent joined as well.

After dinner, the six of us went next door to a really cool place called the Long Room. We just chilled out on the couches in the heated back patio area while some of the group had coffee. I chatted with TJ and Brent about their travels in Australia, New Zealand, and abroad. TJ is actually originally from South Africa, same as Brian. Good group of guys. The next night, I had my first outing with my flatmate Daiana. We went to a punk/rock gig at this bar called Kujah near K Road. Daiana wanted to go to support her friend Jennifer, who had put the gig together. It was fun to be back in that setting…reminded me of my old high school days when I used to go to the local punk shows and watch my friends play on stage. Ahh, good memories! The bands that played at Kujah were pretty good. The first ‘band’ just consisted of one girl with a guitar; she sang some kickass Alanis Morissette though =). The second band was a group of guys who played more alternative music.

Luciana met us at the gig and brought a few people with her too. So, besides meeting Daiana’s friend Jennifer, I also met Luciana’s boyfriend Juan from Argentina, as well as their friend Chris from Ireland. Plus, the other Juan who John and I previously hung out with at Cassette with Luciana also came to the gig. We all stayed at Kujah for a couple of hours or so, then walked down to Cassette for some Tuesday night pizza and dancing. I naturally caught up with my Surf N Snow hostel group while we were there, so that was wonderful as usual. Daiana, Luciana, her boyfriend Juan, and Chris all left fairly early, but the other Juan was keen to stay. So, he and I joined my SNS hostel group for an evening of dancing. Fun, fun! I didn’t stay out too late either though, as it was back to work the next morning =)


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