Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quiz Night & Hillbilly Hoedown

The next day, I had the pleasure of eating lunch with my British friend Sandra who used to work with me at AMP. We tried to get away with eating our home-packed meals at Crema CafĂ©, the coffee shop at the bottom of the AMP building. However, it wasn’t long before we were kicked out for not being customers haha. So, I snuck her up to the cafeteria on the 20th floor and we had our lunch there. It was really great to catch up with her—miss seeing her every day at work! That evening, I went to a quiz night with Emma and Hemi to Caluzzi bar on K Road. I usually don’t like to attend quiz nights because they just make me feel dumb, but I thought I’d at least give it a try. Hemi’s friend Steven actually worked at Caluzzi and was the one in charge of the quizzing. Steven was hilarious—quite a character!

After everyone got into their teams and came up with team names (I sadly can’t remember ours), the quizzing began. Consisting of four rounds, the first was general knowledge. To my surprise, I knew almost all of the answers, as did Emma and Hemi. Although, I will admit that Steven didn’t really make the questions particularly difficult. =) For Round 2, we were given a handout with pictures from different 80s cartoons and had to label each one. Emma saved the day on that one. Round 3 involved listening to and correctly identifying 80s TV show theme songs! Haha..that was a fun one, listening to all those old classic intros. The last round was umm…interesting. It was a whole round devoted to questions about apples. Yes, apples. For the last few questions though, we were served slices of different apples and had to identify them by sight and taste, so that was kind of fun.

Near the end of the evening, Emma and Hemi’s friend Lawrence came to join us as well. Originally from England, he looked exactly like a Canadian guy I went to Florida State University with in Tallahassee…craziness. Maybe everyone really does have a twin somewhere in the world…hmm. Anyway, our team didn’t end up winning the quiz, but it was pretty fun nonetheless. It was Friday the next day, and my work was having a sort of Health and Wellbeing Day. They handed out these free, really heavy-duty duffle bags in the cafeteria, each having a nice jersey inside, along with a sports bottle and trail mix packages. Score! Once again, free stuff ALL the time at AMP.

Plus, they gave you the opportunity to sign up for a few other things, such as a free massage and/or a mini afternoon bootcamp to get whipped into shape! They were all to be done during working hours too, so you’d be getting paid at the same time! I actually didn’t sign up for either one though (stupid in regards to the massage, I know). Not really sure what I was thinking. After work, the weekend was here yet again. I just chilled out at the flat Friday night, but Saturday was full-on. Emma and I drove over to the suburb of Northcote to a huge op-shop called Save Mart. The goal: find hillbilly attire for Bryce and Brian’s birthday party! After and many try-ons and sifting through endless racks, we successfully found our outfits.

Emma purchased an old school jean jacket, some countrified jeans, and two trucker hats that couldn’t have been more perfect: one said “Trucks Rock” and the other said “Westie.” In Auckland, the term Westie refers to low status people that usually live in the western suburbs of Auckland. As for me, I found the perfect plaid flannel shirt with splotches of red, black, gray, and white. Sensationally ugly! I wanted to find some overalls to go with it, but Save Mart didn’t carry any (the one time I could say I was actually disappointed by that fact haha). Instead, I decided to just save some money and wear a pair of tight jeans that I already owned. After we got back into town, we stopped by Look Sharp and purchased our wigs for the evening—a fabulous afro for Emma and a long blonde wig for myself.

We played dress-up after we got back to the flat and took some fun pre-party pictures. Emma, for some unknown reason, owns a collection of cowboy hats, so I wore a red one that matched my hillbilly shirt perfectly. With the addition of my tight jeans and some purposely over-done makeup, I was ready to go. Emma commented by saying, “You look like a Texas housewife.” Haha. As for her, she ROCKED that afro. Classssic! We of course had to exit the flat wearing these lovely outfits, which included an awkward elevator ride down with other people from our complex haha. The party was held at this place associated with Bryce’s work, although I can’t remember exactly how it was associated…since Bryce is a physio and this place had a bar attached to it…

Regardless, before entering the building, we immediately made the unfortunate realization that in order to get to the big room Bryce and Brian had rented out for the party, we’d have to walk through this bar that was FILLED with rugby guys. It was a short…but brutal…walk haha. The evening was soo much fun though! Bryce and Brian had gone all out for their hillbilly outfits, even bringing out the mullets! Plus, Bryce had a fake tattoo on his arm saying “I love mom” and Brian was sporting a very large, fake beer belly haha. The boys had also rented out a mechanical bull for the evening, which Bryce took full advantage of and apparently had bruises the next day! No, I did not ride the bull =) The party had a high turnout of probably between 60-100 people, with almost everyone strutting some type of hillbilly attire. I spent most of the evening with Emma, Brian’s mom Deborah, his brother Kevin, Carol, Hemi, and of course Bryce and Brian.

The boys had even paid for an open bar! I must say, they certainly know how to throw a party! After lots of dancing, a slideshow for the boys, and a couple of speeches from friends and family, Emma, Hemi and I said goodbye and headed out. The three of us then went to Family bar on K Road, where we were joined by Lawrence. Luckily, I had a tank top on underneath my hillbilly shirt, so I de-wigged and de-shirted and was ready to go. After hours of dancing, I finally headed home at 3:30 am for some much-needed sleep. Emma was a trooper and apparently didn’t come home until 6:00 am! Carol was supposed to host a BBQ at her house the next day, but it got cancelled due to massive hangovers haha. Luckily, I didn’t drink very much, so I was feeling fine. Our Sunday was very low-key though. I think the only thing Emma and I did was get some yummy takeaway from the Indian restaurant Raviz a couple of blocks down from the flat. Great weekend if I do say so myself!


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