Friday, August 19, 2011

More Than a Passing Travel Venture

After work on the following Friday (almost 6 weeks ago now), I stayed in and spent the evening at the flat with my flatmate Daiana and her friend Luciana. We just chilled out, chatted, exchanged stories, etc. Luciana kept us particularly entertained with her stories—oh wow, that girl cracks me up. At about 9:30 pm, Luciana and Daiana decided they wanted ‘dinner.’ Yes, Argentinians do ‘dinner’ at a ridiculously late hour. So, down the road they went to get some Pizza Hut takeaway. After coming back, they forced some of their delicious pizza, garlic bread, and fries on me until I caved in. That brings me to another learning point in the Argentinian culture: they do not like to take no for an answer, as they will happily admit. =) We spent the rest of the evening watching bloopers and all sorts of random, hilarious videos that we could find online. It was a great night in—many, many laughs!

I even received a surprise text at one point during the evening from a number I didn’t recognize. I knew it wasn’t a New Zealand number since the country code was different, so after a quick search on Google (can’t live without it), I learned the country code belonged to Indonesia. Yes, it was no other than my Bruno Mars lookalike Ricky, checking in from afar. Nice surprise =) The next day, I started my day out right by taking advantage of the downstairs gym and working out on some of the machines. If you live at our apartment complex, you get free access to a pool, a sauna, and a gym. I had actually previously worked out a few times with Emma as well, but not nearly as much as I should. I mean…I have no excuse; all I have to do is walk out the door, go down an elevator, and the gym, pool, and sauna are all right there.

After my morning workout, I walked around town and went into about five different electronics shops in central Auckland, checking out the digital cameras. I was still in dire need of a new camera since mine had stopped working months before when Sontsa & I were traveling the south island. After taking down some model numbers, prices, and helpful tips from some of the electronics people, I went back to the flat and hung out with Emma for a while. Then, later in the evening, I walked down to Chris’s and chilled with him and his flatmates Jennie and Kurt until fairly late. Chris and I also fit in a couple games of pool at the Slate Room, which is conveniently located just down the road from both of us as well. I LOVE being able to walk everywhere….cafes, cinemas, pool halls, theatres, grocery marts, restaurants, shops, bars, clubs, everything. Even though I do miss driving (I haven’t driven in over 6 months now), I will sooo miss the convenience of having anything and everything within walking distance.

That Sunday, Emma and I went to the French Market again, this time joined by Emma’s friend James (affectionately known as Hemi) and his friend Nathan. Very enjoyable company! Then, Emma and I rented movies and had a lazy movie-watching and nap-taking afternoon. The movies were The Romantics (don’t do it) and Love & Other Drugs (loved it)—favorite quote from the movie: “You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you, and then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.” Not sure I actually buy it, but I suppose it’s a nice thought anyway. To end the weekend, Emma and I spent the evening with our boys Bryce and Brian at Brian’s mom’s house in one of the suburbs outside the city. Brian had just recently accepted a really fantastic job opportunity in Wellington, so his mom threw a small congratulatory/going-away dinner for him.

Brian’s family was so welcoming and instantly made me feel like part of the family. I met Brian’s mom Debbie, his brothers Craig and Kevin, Craig’s fiance Shareen, and a close family friend Carol (who owned the house we went to with the light-up jacuzzi when the boys were house-sitting). Debbie is so full of heart and generosity, even giving me her card and telling me to call her if I need a job once mine ends with AMP. Kevin is a sweetheart as well, and Carol is just blunt and hilarious—reminds me a lot of a family friend back home, Sandy (who we lovingly refer to as Crazy Sandy) =) . So, between a delightful spaghetti meal, good wine, and wonderful company, it was yet another fantastic night in New Zealand! It was just sad that it coincided with the fact that Brian and Bryce would soon be moving to Wellington.

On mine and Emma’s drive home after dinner, it started to hit me that I may not see some of these amazing people again after I go back to The States. It is such a gutting feeling. I know it sounds strange, but I honestly feel like I have two lives: one in The States and one in New Zealand, with each one pulling me in a different direction. This hasn’t been just a passing travel experience for me; I have now made a home and life for myself in New Zealand and will be desperately sad to leave it. If only I could pack up my family and friends from The States and bring them over here, life would be good! I have a feeling I will come back one day though, a bit later in life. For now, I still have so much traveling I want to do while I’m still young and unattached, and New Zealand is just too far away from everywhere to allow me to accomplish that goal. So, back to The States it is (until my next destination anyway)! =).



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